On the occasion of World Diabetes Day, Professor Aouiche discusses the accuracy study carried out on the Vital Check MM1200 reader and its Vital Check MS-2 test strip

On the occasion of World Diabetes Day, Professor Aouiche discusses the accuracy study carried out on the Vital Check MM1200 reader and its Vital Check MS-2 test strip

On the occasion of World Diabetes Day, Vitalcare reiterates its determination to support all people living with diabetes. Professor Aouiche takes this opportunity to remind us of the benefit of blood sugar self-monitoring for maintaining glycemic balance.Vitalcare’s mission is to provide people living with diabetes with a blood glucose self-monitoring system combining speed, simplicity and accuracy of results. To provide proof of the accuracy of the Vital Check ® MM1200 reader and its MS-2 test strips, Vitalcare conducted a clinical study at the diabetology department of Mustapha Pacha University Hospital which demonstrated that the Vitalcheck ® blood glucose self-monitoring system meets the requirements of the ISO 15197: 2013 standard.

#Vitalcare #VitalCheck #WorldDiabetesDay #BloodGlucoseSelfMonitoring #Exactness


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