Discover PROGLY
A tailor-made program for your blood sugar.
Leader in the diabetes diagnostic market in Algeria for 8 years, and committed to the well-being of the patient, particularly the diabetic patient, Vital Care has a team of health professionals specialized in the therapeutic education of the diabetic patient.
PROGLY, a therapeutic and nutritional education program, which supports diabetic patients on a daily basis, in consultation with the treating physician.
Self-monitoring of blood glucose
Self-monitoring of blood glucose (SMBG) allows diabetic patients to monitor their blood glucose levels and assess the impact of meals and physical activity on blood glucose levels in order to adjust insulin doses and prevent hypoglycemia.
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Autosurveillance glycémique
المراقبة الذاتية لنسبة السكر في الدم
Physical activity
Physical activity corresponds to all the movements of our body, produced by the contraction of the muscles, leading to an increase in energy expenditure above the expenditure at rest.
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Activité physique
النشاط البدني